Wednesday 23 October 2013

Comparing types of writing

I have looked at writing with three different purposes they have been:
 Writing to inform this means that you tell someone about something.
Writing to educate this means that you teach someone something
Writing to entertain this means that you can entertain some/ make them laugh

I am going to compare how these types of writing are different. I am also going to evaluate the different pieces of writing I have looked at.
The features of writing to inform are as follows
Statistics, quotations, headline, facts, formal writing.

Whereas the features of writing to educate are: verbs, adjectives, diagrams images, plain English, pronouns.

Notice the features between the two. The differences are that one you need use verbs and adjectives instead of facts and quotations.
Compare the features of writing to entertain which are:
Anecdotes, less formal language, opinions, images , adjectives.
 Notice the main differences. The differences are that it is less formal and you use opinions.

Of the writing I looked at. I found the writing to entertain to be the most effective, I think this because it makes people want to read the article. Also teenagers will read it because it’s not that formal.

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