Friday 27 June 2014

secondary research into pollution Q and A

this is a survey of pollution and how it affects them in their lives and what they think about it or do about it i collected this data by asking friends etc. about what they think and do about pollution.

final copy of writing to persuade article.

Do you recycle? Do you litter? Well you should recycle. Because about 30,000,000 tons of litter is collected and it costs £1 billion to collect it all.

You should make sure you recycle because the fine can be between £80-£2,500. If you see anyone litter you should tell him or her to put it in the bin.

The amount of litter in the UK is getting really high, 71% of the population are worried about the waste level In the UK. This shows that the amount of litter in the UK is getting really bad.

You should recycle because you don’t wont to be living in the rubbish city from WALL-E. If we don’t act now that will be our future. It has already started because there is a rubbish island in the sea and it is more than 2 times the size of the UK.

If you don’t recycle the biggest cities in the world wont be overrun by people in the future it will just be pilled up by rubbish up by rubbish and that is not the future anyone wants to be in. especially because the main types of litter is dog poo, confectionary packets, fast food waste, smokers material and snack packets.

With the waste levels rising only 73% of the population of the UK would feel guilty about littering, also 96% of the EU are exposed to fine particular matter. You should not litter because if you have to pay fur also if you get caught you can loose a serious amount of money because you will get fined. All these facts are so shocking. I am surprised that people still come to the UK for holidays. All this pollution can seriously effects the planet and our lives therefore everyone needs to act now and recycle because if you don’t it will be too late to do anything about it.

Therefore if you do recycle make sure you encourage people who don’t recycle to recycle because if the world stops recycling the world will stop altogether. Do you really want the world to end by rubbish? If people start recycling more lives can be saved because with the money that people use to collect rubbish can be put towards hospitals and towards charities trying to end world hunger and poverty etc. Act now before it’s to late!

second draft of writing to persuade article.

Do you recycle? Do you litter? Well you should recycle. Because about 30,000,000 tons of litter is collected and it costs £1 billion to collect it all.

You should make sure you recycle because the fine can be between £80-£2,500. If you see anyone litter you should tell him or her to put it in the bin.

The amount of litter in the UK is getting really high, 71% of the population are worried about the waste level In the UK. This shows that the amount of litter in the UK is getting really bad.

You should recycle because you don’t wont to be living in the rubbish city from WALL-E. If we don’t act now that will be our future. It has already started because there is a rubbish island in the sea and it is more than 2 times the size of the UK.

If you don’t recycle the biggest cities in the world wont be overrun by people in the future it will just be pilled up by rubbish up by rubbish and that is not the future anyone wants to be in. especially because the main types of litter is dog poo, confectionary packets, fast food waste, smokers material and snack packets.

With the waste levels rising only 73% of the population of the UK would feel guilty about littering, also 96% of the EU are exposed to fine particular matter. You should not litter because if you have to pay fur also if you get caught you can loose a serious amount of money because you will get fined. All these facts are so shocking. I am surprised that people still come to the UK for holidays. All this pollution can seriously effects the planet and our lives therefore everyone needs to act now and recycle because if you don’t it will be too late to do anything about it.

Therefore if you do recycle make sure you encourage people who don’t recycle to recycle because if the world stops recycling the world will stop altogether. Do you really want the world to end by rubbish? If people start recycling more lives can be saved because with the money that people use to collect rubbish can be put towards hospitals and towards charities trying to end world hunger and poverty etc. Act now before it’s to late!

documentry script

Montage: Close up of some litter, long shot of people littering, wide shot of lots of cars, mid shot of litter near a bin, wide shot of a traffic jam, extreme long shot of a road with litter along the street, long shot of earth, extreme long shot of a factory polluting (letting of smoke). 
Voice over: tell the audience what will happen if pollution continues, what  we can do to help, explain what it is doing to our planet.
Sound: there will be certain sound effects for certain parts there could be a song in the background.

We could do a mid shot of him standing in front of a massive dump with a factory in the background.

Tell the audience about what the effects of pollution.  Some facts about pollution. For example  £1 billion are being spent on collecting 30,000,000 tons of litter
Sound: there will be some music and cars in the background.
Shot one: There could be a shot of earth with a fact about earth with a fact about what pollution is doing to earth (long shot).
Voiceover: say about the ice caps melting, weird weather conditions. And how the ozone layer is being affected and the sun getting through the holes in the ozone layer.
Shot two:  presenter standing outside a dumpsite saying how much is being collected each year (mid shot).
£ 1 billion gets spent on collecting 30,000,000 tons of litter just in the UK.
Shot three: traffic jam on a busy road (wide shot).
Voiceover: what air pollution does (cars, factory’s, smoke damaging the ozone layer, which is heating up the earth, which is melting the ice caps, which is making the sea level rise.
Shot four: picture of groups of people collecting litter (long shot).
Example of groups of people who collect litter to try to stop pollution. 73% of the population feel guilty about littering
Shot five: picture of a factory (extreme long shot).
How much pollution a factory causes.