Wednesday 21 May 2014

File Naming System

this is a screen grab of my work folders and it shows all the work i have done through out the year.

Friday 9 May 2014

Final radio advertisment

Advert 1: teenagers

SFX: School bell goes off

VO1: Its the end of school, you walk home with a group of friends.

SFX: Cars driving past.

VO1: you were walking home having a good time talking to friends.

VO1: you are walking then a big pile of rubbish is on the corner of the street. It is making the whole street stink.

SFX: People coughing.

VO1: The smell is making you feel sick. you looked around the area and there is rubbish everywhere.

VO1: Has pollution affected your life? Has it been like this? That’s why we need to help stop pollution so people can have a much healthier and cleaner life. All you have to do is go green.

Advert 2 over 60’s

SFX: Calm music playing in the background quietly.

VO1: Do you want a better life for your grandchildren because so far pollution is ruining the environment and our planet so far; pollution is affecting everyone’s life even if they think it don’t.

SFX: people chatting with cars in background.

VO1: We need to do something about pollution before it gets really serious. Pollution is a really serious problem because £3 billion is getting spent on collecting litter every year in Britain, imagine what other things that money could be spent on liked cancer research or hospitals with really good equipment.
We need to act now before it’s to late.

Advert 3 voters

SFX: Calm music playing in the background.

VO1: Do you want a cleaner country to vote in because so far the country is getting piled up with rubbish and pollution is ruining not just the country but also the world. If you want a better place to live I suggest start cycling to places and use less cars and more public transport so there is less air pollution.

SFX: Where it mentions cars a quiet traffic jam noise playing.

VO2: If there is no action taken on this then everything everyone has been working for will be for nothing.
The proof that pollution is getting bad is that 96% of the EU is exposed to fine particular matter.

Draft of writing to inform

Pollution is where people litter and when people drive cars the smoke from the cars cause air pollution. Also there are even more types of pollution like land pollution.

Pollution is getting worse and worse it is coming to the point that over £1 billion is spent on collecting rubbish and that is not the governments money it is your money that is getting spent on cleaning the world.

These are the facts about pollution 
1.   In Northern Ireland per kilometre of the beach 4,000 pieces of litter was found.
2.   Each year they spend £1 billion on collecting litter. This money could be spent on educating and saving peoples lives
3.   The threat of air pollution is sulphur dioxide, lead and carbon monoxide.
4.   Some of the most common litter is fast food waste, smoker’s material, dog poo, confectionary packets and snack packets.
5.   96% of the EU is exposed to fine particular matter.
6.   71% of the population are worried about the waste levels in the UK.
7.   The most common rubbish in Northern Ireland is plastic.
8.   The government blame the general public.

The things you can do to stop pollution and littering is to start to recycle, encourage others to recycle, if someone litters make sure it goes in the bin and make sure if there is a lot of litter make sure it gets reported so it can get cleaned up, you can also drive less cars, walk and cycle more.

If you see someone litter make sure that you tell someone and make sure that it goes in the bin because pollution is getting really bad so make sure that you recycle.